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Waterborne Epoxy Floor Primer

Name: Kingcoat FP-400WB

     A two-component, ambient temperature cure, waterborne modified epoxy primer which has been developed specially for fresh, moist, damp and old concrete surface prior to application of epoxy intermediate/top coats and polyurethane or acrylic final coats.It serves as a sealer coat, as it penetrates the concrete capillaries and seals them. Thus increases adhesion between both layers, reduces the absorption of subsequent epoxy and polyurethane/acrylic coating materials, and improves coverage with enhanced protective effect.

Mixing Ratio: A-component/B-component=2/1(weight)
Package: A-component=14kg, B-component=7kg

Application Advantages
? Penetrates into the capillaries present in the concrete and seals them
? Can be applied on flesh, moist, damp, as well as old concrete
? Improves strength and chemical resistance of flesh concrete surface
? Excellent adhesion with waterborne or solvent-free epoxy/polyurethane/acrylic intermediate/top coat and concrete
? Eco-friendly, being water based formulation with easy to application and clean
? Also can be applied to coat on metal and wood surfaces
Application Procedure
   While applying Kingcoat FP-400WB coat, surface preparation is the most important part. Remove all the loose materials to expose the base surface. Wash the surface with plenty of water. A 10% muriatic acid solution wash should follow. Again wash the surface with plenty of water. Let the surface dry to saturated surface dry (SSD) condition. Fill all the cracks, honey-combs, voids etc, using cement mortar or our Kingbond repair compound. Let the surface dry completely and polish it with grinding leveling. Mix the A and B parts of Kingcoat FP-400WB thoroughly, to get a uniform consistency. Apply a coat of Kingcoat FP-400WB liberally by brush or roller over the surface. Allow the surface to be touch-dry. The surface is now ready for intermediate/top epoxy or final polyurethane/acrylic coating. Apply the necessary topcoat over this primer coat for best results.
Application Areas
? Industrial manufacturing facilities, warehouses, airports
? Chemical and pharmaceutical industries
? Food processing and dairy plant flooring
? Car park, basement floors
? Institutional facilities, schools, residences, hospitals
? Commercial traffic floors